Katutura Soap Project is a community-based non-profit project that focuses on helping HIV positive women and their children. It started in Windhoek, Namibia, in November 2009. The project produces 100% hand-made soap of Namibian olive oil.

In the beginning the purpose of the project was to train these women everyday skills, generate income and employ women whom are stigmatized in their lives. Today the Katutura Soap Project focuses also on empowerment of the community through different HIV related events, such as Support Group for HIV positive ladies.

In other words, all profit of the project is returned directly to the community to improve health and education of HIV positive women and their children.

All soaps are handmade in Namibia

The soaps are made from 100% Namibian olive oil
from RUHELEBEN ESTATE in Swakopmund

Soaps are made of different shapes and sizes

Guest house soaps - olive oil

Guest house soaps with olive oil and mahangu

Made from 100% pure olive oil without any preservatives
or fragrances, the soaps are skin- and environment friendly

Soaps are packed in recycled material which are collected
from Windhoek restaurants

Soap containers have basic information of the project and 
the packing date with a signature of the lady who packed the soap

Small hand soaps are wrapped in biodegradable material

Most of the women who make the soaps live in the 
informal settlements of Katutura


Mahangu* soap is developed by KATUTURA SOAP PROJECT.

The soap is made of 100% pure olive oil and mahangu which 
makes it slightly scrubbing and a tipical Namibian product

Mahangu Soaps are made for different forms and sizes

Mahangu is a local name for pearl millet and it's grown in the northern part of Namibia.
Well adapted to drought it's ideal to cultivate in African high temperature. 
Normally prepared to porridge, it's the typical food among most of Namibians.